Happy 5th Birthday Theo! According to you - you are now a big boy and can eat off the nice plates. 😀 5 years ago tonight you changed my life forever. Thank you for teaching me about the biggest kind of love, for teaching me how to be patient, and for always making my heart lighter.
You are a force. You love dance parties and hot wheels. You are kind, funny and full of energy. You courageous and smart (even thought you don't love homeschooling!) You love your family more than anything and you want to be a race car driver when you grow up.
I’m so glad today could be all about you.
We were so sad to cancel your birthday party due to COVID-19. I'm thankful we were still able to have a GREAT day celebrating the amazing you! We started the morning off with pancakes, enjoyed a virtual scavenger hunt from family and friends to find your presents, you helped bake your own birthday cake with extra sprinkles and got a personal drive by from the Norwalk fire and police departments.
Happy birthday sweet boy! Cheers to 5.