It’s been a year since heaven gained an angel. To me today was just a day. I don’t need an anniversary to miss you. I miss you every day.
I miss you every time I watch Ina and want to call you about a recipe I think we should try. I miss you at the dinner table where you would always carry on an easy conversation. I miss you when I’m hosting a meal and trying my best to follow in your foot steps only to burn the dish and I have to gracefully remind myself you had years to perfect the art of entertaining. I miss you when Teddy says something funny and I wonder if he got it from his dad. I miss you when we go for ice cream because I know if you were here you would spoil Teddy with extra sprinkles. I miss you when I hold M because I wish you could have met Madeleine here on earth and not just in Heaven.
But I’ve felt you here with us. During my entire pregnancy and delivery - I knew you were there. I know you’re with us with every beautiful sunset and peculiar warm day. I see you in Madeleine and her tiny but strong, beautiful frame.
(I’m forever grateful you had us FINALLY take these family photos - you knew we would need them to look back on.)
You taught us the most important things happen around the dinner table - connection, great food, friendships and conversation. We try to live by this now.
While life keeps moving, we continue to think of you and miss you - each and every day. Sending hugs to you up in heaven Pat. We love you