I’m finally getting around to blogging about our trip last month to California. We had an amazing time spending it with family and showing Teddy some of our favorite places around San Juan Capistrano. While we had a great time – traveling with a baby is a lot different than when it was just the two of us.
First of all – checked baggage. Tons of it. Look at all the stuff we brought for the three of us and a 4 day trip.

We got through all of the flights. Teddy did great for the most part – however he’s at the age where he doesn’t like to sit still and doesn’t know what it means to stay in one place. It was a lot of work making sure he stayed happy, quiet, and content for two hours (x2). Thankfully everyone we traveled with were friendly and patient. Once we landed in California – it felt like we had run a marathon. Brushing off the exhaustion – we were ready to have some fun.

We got another reminder how traveling with a baby is different the morning after we arrived. You see Teddy didn’t understand there was a two-hour time difference. This is what 4 a.m. looks like in California. A bright-eyed little boy! Excited to celebrate a belated Christmas!

We all got up and celebrated. It was fun having another Christmas when Teddy was healthy and happy. He loved checking out the tree and ornaments.

Teddy got some fun toys from Grandma and Grandpa. He loved the cardboard boxes and wrapping paper almost if not more then his actual gifts.

Teddy got his first rubber duckies from D & J for Christmas. He had so much fun playing with them during bath time.
After a fun morning playing around the house – it was time to venture out. Next stop – the ocean! We decided to take Teddy to some of our favorite beaches. We started off with bagels from The Bagel Shack (our favorite!) and breakfast along Dana Point Beach with the perfect ocean view.
After we walked up and down Dana Point, we headed over to Capistano Beach where Teddy was able to stick his toes in the ocean. He loved walking on the beach and couldn’t stop his excitement at all the sites. I was thankful he wasn’t scared of the ocean – however I think he was so interested in watching his feet hit the sand – he didn’t have time to notice the big waves crashing around him.

I can’t wait to bring him back year after year. It’s going to be so much fun watching him grow and have the activities change each time we come back. I look forward to beach picnics, building sand castles, swimming in the shallow waves and playing catch on the beach. This will be something special for our family – and I’m so thankful for the opportunity to build these memories!

After a fun day at the beach, we headed home. Teddy tried avocado for the first time. He wasn’t a huge fan which was disappointing since we were in the Avocado state. We’ll keep trying!
Our last day in California we visited the San Clemente Pier. (It’s hard to believe, we were here two years ago without Theodore). Teddy had fun checking out all the surfers, pigeons and fun beach shops.

We are so thankful for Teddy’s first trip to California. While it was a short trip, we got to experience a lot of fun, new things. Thank you Dan and Jenese for being such great hosts. Teddy LOVED spending time with grandma and grandpa!
Tim and I have had so many fun trips to California. Being able to visit some of our favorite places as #Tesarpartyof3 and experiencing them through Teddy – well, it’s something I’ll never forget. I look forward to our next visit and the adventures that await us.

P.S. Tim especially loved it on the return flight home when everyone thought Teddy was a girl. I guess the outfit mom picked out – wasn’t the best choice. Oh well – I think he’s cute. Teddy finally tuckered out on the last flight – 15 minutes before we landed. I’d say he had a GREAT trip!