We're heading into the winter season, or what I like to call - cold season. As I was checking my son out from daycare, I saw a sign I always dread: GREEN ROOM - 1 CASE OF CROUP.
This past weekend, I felt like Teddy was getting a cold and now I think M might be catching something as well. It's the perfect season for Chicken Noodle Soup.
Whenever I was feeling under the weather, Pat would drive over and with her she would bring a batch of chicken noodle soup. I want to be able to do this for my kids whenever they are sick. Unfortunately, she passed away before I could get the exact recipe down. I got this recipe from my friend Rachel and it was so close to Pat's - it's no my go-to.
I hope you enjoy this soup on a cold, blustery day. Whip it up if someone you love is struggling with staying healthy. It's sure to put a smile on their face!
Classic Chicken Noodle Soup
2 chicken breasts, cubed
Olive oil
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Lowry's salt to taste
Italian seasoning to taste
1 carton (32 ounces) chicken stock (will fill stock carton with water)
1 large onion (diced)
1 cup medium-diced celery (2 stalks)
1 cup medium-diced carrots (3 carrots)
5 tablespoons minced garlic
Half to full stick of butter
One bag of Hy-vee homemade egg noodles
Heat chicken and onion in bottom of pan until cooked. Remove.
Bring the chicken stock to a simmer in a large pot and add the celery, carrots, onion, garlic, and butter. Dust surface of liquid with seasonings until covered.
Simmer uncovered for about 10 - 15 minutes, until the carrots and celery are cooked. Add the chicken, onion and noodles, heat through until cooked.
Season to taste and serve.